Art is a constantly changing and adapting to the world surrounding it. Photography began as a thought and progressed into someone using chemicals to develop and progress photographs. All forms of art are something more than just art, they are a combination of thoughts, math, science, elements of the Earth and so much more. We therefore cannot forget all the other aspects that allows us to make art today. I found interest in creating art that allowed me to use the scientific theory, creating a hypothesis and testing it. Through this I found a deeper relationship between art and science and the ever-changing nature of both of these things. I also noticed how reliant art is on science and science is on art. In the words of Albert Einstein, “After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are always artists as well.” Understanding the science behind photography opened up the door for me to explore not just art but science.